Still fishing almost daily, but now that I've talked to a few locals and experimented with various baits, I'm starting to think more clearly. And by that I mean, I'm now using little cubes of leftover steak and chicken as my bait. The fish love it, who knew?
Heading to my favorite part of the lake. I get to captain my roommate Drew's boat. I enjoi it very much :)
Scouting the sweet spot for other fishing goons.
Biggest fish I've caught so far.. Not sure what it is either :/ Had really sharp teeth and was a good fighter!
One of Drew's contributions for the day....
Big Catfish while fishing at Lake Sante Fe. 05.21.11
He was a slippery little devil and about 1 1/2 foot or so..
Danger close to gators, but some goons were in my normal spot when I got there. :/
Catching catfish, this ones a little guy but at this point it was nice to start catching fish!
Clearly in the moment when the bobber is jumping. So much tension in this great hunters eyes...
Ohh, and now that I'm purging most of my items, this one had to go through a slow squishy death by way of rain. Perhaps I'll keep the armature and finish this one another time...